BioCap Mobile

BioCap Mobile

BioCap Mobile - Enrollment Solution for Registers

BioCap Mobile is a mobile Hardware & Software Solution for live data capture and enrollment into registers of all kind. The BioCap Mobile Station is an all in one rugged, all terrain device, for full enrollment with biomteric features. It is intergated with our highly customizable and field proven BioCap solution.

The Solution is specifically targeted towards people enrollment in remote areas where a power independent and portable compact all in one device is a must. It is using a rich client concept to provide an outstanding easy-to-use graphical user interface. Based on our proven software architecture Annwyn, the solution contains various modules which can be combined by the user to form a certain workflow and run on a certain workstation.



Services to applicants/citizens can be easyly operator defined and orchesterd, based on the business logic for the envisioned applicational use. Built in quality assurance measures and functions for all biometric and textual data assure the storage and use of ICAO compliant biometrics. All Data is processed ANSI / NIST compliant and the biometric modules fullfill the current ISO 19794 standards respectively.

Communication is realized via state-of the art webservices to ensure easy interaction and infromation exchange including secured communication due to the use of encryption. The backend application server has all the services built in to provide the entire business logic for a document register, a civil register or even a national population register, as well as a generic printer interface to directly communicate with personalization systems to print passports, epassports, id cards, driver licenses, multiapplicational ID and bankcards, health cards and so on.